Research Group

Position Room +49 (0)761 203-
Harald Ita Prof. 702 8407


Giuseppe De-Laurentis Postdoc 710 5825 
Evgenij Pascual Doctoral Candidate 709 54039 evgenij.pascual(at)
Michael Ruf Doctoral Candidate 708 54040 michael.ruf(at)
Wladimir Tschernow Doctoral Candidate 709 54039 wladimir.tschernow(at)
Maximilian Klinkert Doctoral Candidate 708 54040 maximilian.klinkert(at)



Group Photo (2017): 



Former Students: 

Position Thesis
Philpp Hofmann Diploma Student, PhD (2014) Di-Vector Boson Production in Association with Jets at NLO QCD
Andreas Ikkert Diploma Student (2015) Unitarity Methods for One- and Two-loop Integral Reduction
Felix Anger PhD (2018) NLO QCD Corrections to Vector Boson Production in Association with Multiple Heavy and Light Jets    
Jerry Dormans PhD (2020) On the automation of NNLO QCD corrections
Jonas Wenzler MSc (2016) Towards an Unitarity Based Implementation of Higgs Production in Association with Jets Including Quantum Corrections
Evgenij Pascual MSc (2015)  Recursive Methods of the Numerical Unitarity Approach For Two-loop Amplitudes
Vasily Sotnikov PhD (2019) Scattering Amplitudes with the Multi-Loop Numerical Unitarity Method
Matthias Volk  BSc (2016) Integration-by-parts Identities for One-loop Integrals In Dimensional Regularization
Max Klinkert MSc (2018) Unitarity Compatible Integration-by-Parts-Relations for High Multiplicity and Non-Planar Two-Loop Topologies



Former Group Members: 

Position Dates
Samuel Abreu Postdoc 2015-2018
Fernando Febres Cordero Visiting Prof. 2014-2019
Matthieu Jaquier Postdoc 2015-2018
Ben Page Postdoc 2015-2018




Group Photo (2013):


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