Standard Model of Particle Physics (WS15)
J.Prof.Dr. Harald Ita
Dr. Samuel Abreu
- Lecture: 4 hours, time Mo 8-10 SRI, Tue 12-14 SR GMH , start: 19.10.2015 (Lecturer Harald Ita & Samuel Abreu)
- Tutorial: 2 hours, tutorial time Mo 14-16 Seminarraum WB UG
- extra Tutorial: Fri 5.2.2015 12:30-14:00 Seminarraum WB UG
- Lecture exam (Pruefungsleistung): Mo 8.2.2015, 10-14, place Seminarraum WB UG
- Tutorial exams (Studienleistung or BSc. Pruefungsleistung): Mo 30.11.2015, 14-16 and Mo 25.1.2015, 14:00-16:00 in Seminarraum WB UG.
Problem Sets for Tutorial (available from tutor)
We will attempt to start with a Feynman diagram particle picture for the semiclassical description of the Standard Model. Some of the main topics we will discuss are given below:
- Special relativity and Lorentz transformations
- Relativistic quantum mechanics
- Maxwell field equations and Lagrangians
- Interacting fields
- Feynman rules
- Quantum electrodynamics
- Gauge theories
- Higgs field and spontaneous symmetry breaking
- Standard Model Lagrangian
For Bachelor-Students
The lecture is suitable as supplementary or elective course; Wahlpflicht- bzw. Wahlbereich.
For Masters-Students
The lecture is suitable as Advanced Theory course in the Elective Subjects.
Required Prior Knowledge
Electrodynamics, basics in Quantum Mechanics.
Requirements for Academic Record
- Active and regular participation in the tutorials (possibly including the presentation of homework problems) and written exam.
- In case an exam ( "Prüfungsleistung") is required, a written exam will be offered. Prerequisite is the successful participation in the tutorials. The final exam yields 10 ECT points.
- For the BSc. ( "Prüfungsleistung") two mid-term exams about the tutorials are required. These are then graded. The BSc. ( "Prüfungsleistung") yields 7 ECT points.
- For the successful participation of the tutorial ("Studienleistung") more than 50% of the points in each of the mid-term exams are required.
Further details will be given in the lecture/tutorials.
- The Standard Model: A Primer, Cliff Burgess and Guy Moore
- Phenomenology of Particle Physics by S.P. Martin
- Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model, Matthew D. Schwartz
- Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, M.E. Peskin and D.V. Schroeder