Term Paper -- Particle Physics Theory at the LHC (SS15)
J.Prof.Dr. Harald Ita
Priv.Doz.Dr. Christian Schwinn
Guest Prof.Dr. Fernando Febres Cordero
- Lecture: time Wed. 12-14, place: Seminarraum II.
- First lecture on the 29.04.2014 has to be attended as topics will be distributed.
- Presentation dates: 3.6, 24.6, 1.7, 8.7, 15.7, 22.7
- Poster
Schedule (preliminary)
3.6 Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in the SM
Wladimir Tschernow
24.6 Higgs Production & Decays
Ivona Kafedjiska
1.7 Higgs Interferometry
Ramon Winterhalder
8.7 History and Tests of QCD
Evgenij Pascual
15.7 Coupling Structure of the Electroweak Vector Bosons
Philipp Hofmann
22.7 Associated Production of Heavy Quarks and Vector Bosons
Felix R. Anger
- Structure of the Standard Model of Particle Physics
- QCD at the LHC
- Higgs Phenomenology
- Phenomenology of Vector Boson
- Top Physics
Requirements for Academic Record
For details see rule book for Master degree.
- 45 min presentation of one previously arranged topic
- writeup of presentation
- active participation
Key Textbooks
- Quantum Chromodynamics, High Energy Experiments and Theory, G. Dissertori, I. Knowles and M. Schmelling
- TASI lectures on Collider Phenomenology by Tao Han
- Lectures by Michelangelo L. Mangano