Quantum Field Theory II (WS18)
Prof. Dr. Harald Ita
Tutor: V. Sotnikov
- Lecture: 4 hours, Wed 12:00 (st) - 14:00 SRIII, Thur 12:00 (st) - 14:00 SRIII, start: 17.10.2018
- Tutorial: 2 hours, Fri 14:00-16:00, SRIII; start: 26.10.2016 .
Problem Sets for Tutorial
Exercise sheets will be distributed via email.
Content (preliminary)
- Path Integral, perturbation theory, Feynman diagrams
- Gauge theories and their quantisation, BRST symmetry
- Gauge theory of strong interaction, quantum corrections and renormalisation
- Jet production in lepton collisions
- Deep inelastic scattering
- Parton Model for hadron collisions, parton distribution functions, DGLAP evolution
- Quantum effects in Drell-Yan process
For Bachelor-Students
The lecture is suitable as supplementary or elective course; Wahlpflicht- bzw. Wahlbereich. It is equivalent to the lecture "Theoretische Teilchenphysik" in the course description.
QFT I, Electrodynamics and Special Relativity
Requirements for Academic Record
- active and regular participation in the tutorials, including solutions to 50% of the homework problems.
- in case an exam ( "Prüfungsleistung") is required, an oral exam will be offered. Prerequisite is the successful participation in the tutorials.
- Further details will be given in the lecture/tutorials.
- G. Dissertori, I. Knowles, M. Schmelling: "Quantum Chromodynamics"
- Peskin/Schroeder: "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory"
- Schwartz, "Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model"
- Böhm/Denner/Joos: "Gauge Theories of the Strong and Electroweak Interaction"
- Itzykson/Zuber: "Quantum Field Theory"
- Weinberg: "The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol.1,2"
- Sexl, Urbantke: "Relativität, Gruppen, Teilchen"
- Cvitanovic: "Field Theory", the Nordita 1983 Lecture notes available online
- Ellis/Stirling/Webber: "QCD and Collider Physics"
More advanced Textbooks
- Coleman: "Notes from Sidney Coleman's Physics 253a" available online
- Nakahara: "Geometry, Topology and Physics"