QFT I (SS17)
J.Prof. Dr. Harald Ita and Dr. Ben Page
- Lecture: 4 hours, Mo 12-14, SRI, Mi 12-14, SRII; start: 24.04.2017 (Lecturer Harald Ita)
- Tutorial: 2 hours, Di 12-14, SRI; start: 2.05.2017 (Tutor Ben Page).
- oral exams, last tutorial sheet on 18.7. Repetition class on 25.7.
Problem Sets for Tutorial
Exercises 1 (2.5.2017)
Exercises 2 (9.5.2017)
Exercises 3 (16.5.2017)
Exercises 4 (23.5.2017)
Exercises 5 (30.5.2017)
Exercises 6 (13.6.2017) [solutions]
Exercises 7 (20.6.2017)
Exercises 8 (27.6.2017)
Exercises 9 (4.7.2017)
Exercises 10 (11.7.2017)
Exercises 11 (18.7.2017)
- Quantization of scalar fields (Klein Gordon equation, classical field theory, canonical quantization, scattering theory and Feynman diagrams)
- Vector-boson fields (classical field equations, electromagnetic interactions and the gauge principle, quantization of the electromagnetic field)
- Dirac fermions (basics of Lie Groups, Lorentz group and its representations, Dirac and Weyl equations, Poincare group and its representations, quantization of free Dirac fields, QED and perturbative evaluation, applications)
- Quantization with functional integrals
For Bachelor-Students
The lecture is suitable as supplementary or elective course; Wahlpflicht- bzw. Wahlbereich. It is equivalent to the lecture "Theoretische Teilchenphysik" in the course description.
Quantum Mechanics, Electrodynamics and Special Relativity
Requirements for Academic Record
- active and regular participation in the tutorials, including solutions to 50% of the homework problems.
- in case an exam ( "Prüfungsleistung") is required, an oral exam will be offered. Prerequisite is the successful participation in the tutorials.
Further details will be given in the lecture/tutorials.
- Schwartz: "Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model"
- Peskin/Schroeder: "An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory"
- Itzykson/Zuber: "Quantum Field Theory"
- Weinberg: "The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol.1: Foundations"
More advanced Textbooks
- Siegel: "Fields" available online
- Böhm/Denner/Joos: "Gauge Theories of the Strong and Electroweak Interaction"
- Weinberg: "The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol.2: Modern Applications"
- Nakahara: "Geometry, Topology and Physics"
- Sexl, Urbantke: "Relativität, Gruppen, Teilchen"
- Cvitanovic: "Field Theory", the Nordita 1983 Lecture notes available online
- Coleman: "Notes from Sidney Coleman's Physics 253a" available online